Getting a Solar System Permit
Before you build your system, you’ll need to secure a solar permit from your authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) - the building department that oversees new construction in your area.
Your solar permit application will ask you to provide technical details about your new system, including a site plan, system design schematics, an electrical wiring diagram, spec sheets, and certification documents for components used in your system.
The AHJ will review this information to ensure your system is designed to comply with electric, building, and fire codes in your area.
Do I Need a Permit for My Off-Grid Solar System?
Yes. Some people are under the impression that off-grid systems don’t require a permit, because they don’t connect to the utility grid. But that’s not true: your off-grid system still needs to be permitted and built to comply with local codes and regulations.
Find out What Kind of Solar System Permits Do You Need
Off-grid systems can skip the solar interconnection approval process since they don’t connect to the grid. However, all solar power systems require a permit from your local authority.
Beyond the need for compliance with your AHJ, it’s important to keep your plan set as essential documentation for your system. It serves as an installation guide, as well as an owner’s manual detailing proper maintenance and care. It also proves your system has been installed legally, which will be crucial to prove to the solar panel inspectors during the sale process.
Should you decide to sell your home in the future, your plan set will help the new owner properly maintain the system and locate compatible products for scheduled part replacements.
How Is the Solar System Permit Application Filed?
Solar system permit applications must be submitted by either the system owner or contracted installer of the system.
If you opt for a DIY solar panel installation, you’ll be required to file your own permit application. But don’t worry: Our permit service can package your plan set into one convenient PDF to make things as simple as possible. If you run into any hiccups, we’re happy to provide phone or email support to help you navigate the process.
Solar System Permit Application Example
Curious to know exactly what’s included in your solar system permit application? Take a look at our Sample Solar Plan Set.

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